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Strengthen Your Portfolio: Why You Need a Second Opinion

The first reason is you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Most professional Advisors will offer you a no obligation free review of your investment portfolio and written financial plan (if you have one).

As your assets grow over time you might be comfortable with the numbers on your statements, but the financial industry has changed dramatically over the last five years. For example, investors today are starting to see some disclosure on fees. No surprise with that disclosure fees are coming down. Are yours? While it is generally only partial disclosure, it is a start and hopefully, it won’t be long before 100% disclosure is the law. That is what clients at Halton Wealth Management have today and have enjoyed for years. This is the gold standard. Anything else leaves an unclear picture.

Often when prospects call us they tell us they are unhappy or unsure of the performance of their portfolios. If you do not have a benchmark of the indexes your money is invested in how are you able to tell if you are doing well? All of our clients have the index right by their rates of return on their quarterly summaries. Without the benchmarks, you are left guessing. This is too important to leave to guesswork.

Asking for a second opinion can tell you how you are doing in your plans. Are you going to be able to meet your goals? If not, identifying the challenges and building a new plan to get you on track is critical to your success. If your current Advisor is not providing you with cost-effective solutions that are performing well shouldn’t you consider other options? Doing nothing and hoping things will change for the better is not an effective plan. It is your life and you have worked hard for your money. Shouldn’t your money be working hard for you? For example, investors nearing retirement or already retired have very different needs. Find an experienced Advisor that understands your unique needs and specializes in working with clients just like you.

Be sure to look for a licensed Financial Advisor that can service you and verify that he/she is licensed and in good standing. Now, doesn’t asking for a second opinion make a lot of sense? We are here to help with that second opinion.

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